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영어해석및 문법정리좀 해주세요 ㅠ,ㅠ 영어해석및 문법정리좀 해주세요 ㅠ,ㅠ 2013.01.25. 20:45 에 채택된 답변입니다. 조회수2,957 ■ 아래의 문장을 해석한 후 위의 보기처럼 분석해 주세요. 1. In an effort to reduce the duplication of work, Penny Manufacturing processing and shipping departments will be merged. 2. Management feels that the contract is fair to all parties and has decided to reduce the number of employees. 3. The equipment manufacturers confirm that frequent inspections of t.. 2017. 12. 23.
영어해석부탁드립니다 2013.01.16. 01:04 에 채택된 답변입니다. Don't forget to love yourself. Remember to always be yourself. Stop acting as if life were a rehearsal. Just remember to respect your elders. Don't forget to stop to smell the ross. I'll never forget seeing the Taj Mahal. Try wearing white dresses this spring and summer. You won't remember having been given dietary instruction. I regret to say that you did not agai.. 2017. 12. 1.
영어 해석좀여 2013.01.14. 10:43 에 채택된 답변입니다. Do you have a family member or a friend who has lost an arm or a leg? If so, there may be some very good news for them-robotic arms may soon come to their rescue. Recently researchers at the University of Pittsburgh trained monkeys to control robotic limbs using only their thoughts. The monkey's arms were tied, so they couldn't use them. Small probes were put into .. 2017. 12. 1.
영어 해석!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2013.01.07. 09:34에 채택된 질문입니다. 이것좀 해석해 주세요.ㅜㅡ I had just finished writing a TV script and was rushing to print it when my computer froze up. No cursor. No script. No nothing. In a panic, I called my friend Neil, a computer consultant. It turned out that I(i의 대문자) had a bad spyware, and that's what was causing my computer's breakdown. He asked if my machine was slow, and if a new toolbar had sudde.. 2017. 11. 21.